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Implementation and Replication Working Group workshop

By October 13, 2022May 4th, 2023Events, News

Next Friday October 21, from 10:00 to 11:30 CET, BIObec is having its first Implementation and Replication Working Group workshop.

BIObec concept merges the traditional idea of an education centre – such as a university or a vocational education and training centre – with that of a knowledge hub: the Bio-Based Education Centres (BBECs), which will act as multi-level knowledge hubs bridging the gaps between academic institutions, students, innovation entities and policymakers.

The core nucleus for the future implementation of the BBECs is the Implementation and Replication Working Group (IRWG), that will participate to project initiatives in the role of stakeholders and will facilitate the replication of the BIObec’s experience beyond the project’s efforts.

Targeting universities, training organisations, research centres, ecosystem facilitators (incubators, hubs, accelerators), clusters, public administration, NGOs and other organisations, the session will be divided into 6 parts to discuss about education in the bioeconomy field.

Check out the agenda and register now:

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