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BIObec Final Conference Video

By February 1, 2024February 5th, 2024News

The final event began with an introduction by Davide Viaggi BIObec Project Coordinator, University of Bologna and Maria Grazia Attianese, followed by Project Officer Giovanna Rizzetto’s presentation on the BIObec project. They delved into the project’s methodology and the structure of the final conference. Lina Mayorga from Universitaet Hohenheim presented the results of Detecting Education Needs of Regional Bioeconomy Systems, focusing on identifying educational needs for regional bioeconomic systems.

Fiona Scott Hayward from Munster Technological University presented on transitioning from skills needs assessment to profiling business models of biobased education centres. Knud Tybirk of Food & Bio Cluster Denmark discussed the methodology and progress of the feasibility and sustainability assessment in the project. He highlighted diverse perceptions of bioeconomy and educational centers across regions, addressing challenges in setting up budgets for future BBECs.

Rocío García, Communications Manager at Sustainable Innovations Europe, emphasized the significance of communication and disseminating results in her presentation, “Towards Implementation and Replication.”

Collaboration and knowledge sharing across regions to drive progress in the bioeconomy sector were emphasized. Maria Grazia Attianese facilitated breakout groups, assigning BBEC leaders to each group for further discussion.

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