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BIObec presented at five different events

By October 7, 2021November 16th, 2021News

The BIObec partners have been very proactive since the project kicked off and have already presented BIObec at five different events:

  • Prof. Davide Viaggi, project coordinator from the University of Bologna, introduced BIObec at the European Bioeconomy University (EBU) Scientific Forum, which took place on September 22 and 23.
  • Our project partner Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche promoted BIObec among high school students at their stand on bioeconomy and sustainability at an event in Bologna, Italy, on September 24. This event was part of the European Researchers’ Night, a Europe-wide public celebration to raise awareness about science and its impact on citizens’ daily lives.
  • Davide Viaggi also presented BIObec, together with our partner Susanna Albertini from FVA, at the event “Biotechnologies for a circular and sustainable bioeconomy: training opportunities, employment prospects and impact on citizenship”, organised by the University of Bologna as part of the European Biotech Week on September 27.
  • Carmen Girón Domínguez, from CTA, presented it at an event organised by ECCA. Economía Circular y Comunicación Ambiental on how to boost a circular bioeconomy through education on October 6 in Seville, Spain.
  • In addition, Carmen also talked about bioeconomy and how different initiatives, such as UrBIOfuture and BIObec, boost it through education during an online presentation for the students from the Autonomous University of México on October 26. 

You can see the pictures from all the sessions below!